Thursday, January 29, 2009


Just another couple random pics I took over the summer, these where taken in Point Judith RI. Enjoy =)

SAIC Guest Speaker

Well I got my portfolio reviewed by Greyson Hong from SAIC. Over all he said it was
"Strong and the talent was definitely there," but I should focus more on where I'm trying to go with my art; what the emphasis of it is? Hmm, I guess to me I know what it means personaly but i'm not stressing it enough in my work for others to understand.. So looks like I have a busy schedule ahead of me; need to develop my voice on it even more for others to apprehend the man behind the art.. El Artista..

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Painting is fun!!

Today I had a fun time in my Painting I class. I was never much of a painter until I started doing so in Color theory with Professor Leonard. I mainly focus on dry media like graphite, charcoal, pen and ink etc, but I'm really getting into painting, it's really fun!!! Here's one example of an achromatic study from Color Theory, something from my imagination, I love illustration.. Haven't gotten a chance to finish it though. = { 

Saturday, January 24, 2009


It's 12:26am and it's freezing outside to cold to go out tonight...